Monday, September 26, 2016

All Outta Bubblegum: What I Learned from “They Live”

"I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all outta bubblegum." 

On the surface the movie "They Live" may seem like an average sci-fi flick with gratuitous violence. However, when it comes to John Carpenter, there simply must be several layers of meaning.

There's the "big brother as alien" message... but then there's a deeper message about finding purpose in life and the self-discovery that eventually happens as we travel that path; going inward to fight the demons in the shadows of our mind, so that we can live an ever increasing purposeful life with passion.

Putting yourself into the shoes of the protagonist, you are seeing the aliens "live it up" at the expense of all useless eaters of the world. As you fight their quiet dominance over your freedom, you can start to discover what it is you are fighting for. "They live", but are they truly living - or just skimming the surface, distracting themselves with the comforts of the material world; seeking to control others to get what they think they want? Being disturbed by their lifestyle perhaps is just a window of opportunity to see what also lives in us.

I see the fight for freedom from materialistic aliens running the show from behind the curtain as an analogy for the inner struggle to conquer that which keeps us from putting on a brave face, looking at the bigger picture, and living life from a place of honesty and discernment – with a purpose greater than chasing our own petty moment-to-moment desires of comfort.

Runs on Bhakti GOlf Cart__Bumper Sticker artwork Copyright 2015 Vicky Lupperger

What if we stopped judging others long enough to take a look inward and witness our motives for making "them" our external enemy? Perhaps we'd eventually tap into that well of boundless creative energy that feeds our zest for life.  Perhaps we’d discover the still quiet voice reaching out from a deeply centered part of ourselves and realize it’s always been speaking to us – our mind was just too cluttered to get most of the messages. And just maybe we’d begin to toss aside the illusion of the only option is to pick something from the continual array of “choices” shoved in our face and realize we have only but to cast aside that veil and ask in any given moment:  What do I decide? What’s next? What did I want five minutes before someone told me I had to “choose” this or that?
What if… we saw beyond our victim mentality and judgments about what the world was doing to us, and asked ourselves – “What can I do?”

That's a step on the pathless path of bhakti.  It starts from the heart - flowing outward.

As for myself – I’m all outta bubblegum.

Love and Gratitude,


Sunday, September 25, 2016

Helping Hands, Smiling Faces: One Way You Can Make Your Community a Better Place (and Benefit at the Same Time!)

Ask yourself what do you have, not just things, but time and even the smallest skills and virtues.

You don’t have to go seek out the most needy. We all need something. Just walk out your door to find someone that needs something you have.

Take time out to imagine acts of kindness and keep your eyes peeled for opportunities.

Get with strangers or neighbors or friends and form a regular group with the goal to help each other with big and small needs.

Ask each other if anyone can help, even partially, even an idea, even a “I know someone that knows someone.”

Commit to everyone staying until everyone has at least one problem solved or has received a promise to solve it.

Trade skills, teach someone something even if it’s just five minutes on how to upkeep something to make it last longer.

Trade empowering stories of challenges you faced that have a positive ending.

Give yourself a chance to catch a glimpse into an unknown part of a friend’s life, just because you all got together and were vulnerable and open in a different kind of way.

Allow others to help you realize and remember skills you didn’t think you had, didn’t appreciate or forgot you knew.

Build up a can-do attitude for each other and actually git ‘er done!


No one should suffer in silence.

There is always something to be grateful for.

Everyone has something to contribute in any given moment.

When you live a life in an attitude of pay it forward to make the world a better place, a new perspective is possible and a whole new world of wonderment opens up to you.

This universe is one of infinite possibilities and it’s a lot easier to believe this if you are kind to others without expectation or condition.


I appreciate all that you freely give.

Please see my Patreon page to read about my work in the yoga nidra field. Find out how your pledge can help (and see what goodies I offer my patrons!)

Love and Gratitude,


Appreciation of the Dollar as a Representation of the Flow of Energy in the Universe

Money is currency (a medium of exchange) - it is energy waiting to flow. Using money facilitates the exchange of energy, representing the bigger flow of energy in the universe, Shakti if you will.

From The Fool to the Magician: Looking intFrom The Fool to the Magician: Looking into the Aether with Beginner's Mind __ artwork copyright 2014 Vicky Luppergero the Aether with Beginner's MindAccepting it's place in our world; having a healthy appreciation of what it represents in your life, at the core - beyond attachments, beyond opinion of the system it operates within in this speck on the timeline, allows further honoring not just the baser survival instincts, but the flourishing growth of the soul in this earthly plane.

Pull a dollar bill out of your pocket and look at it - see beyond definitions of fiat, corruption, banking, greed. Is that what that dollar really is to you, but you still use it?

If but for a few moments, see it as energy you received and energy you will give, a little battery holding onto and keeping safe the pure life force of your being, so that you can store it up and collect it, releasing it like one huge ball of chi to do things more powerful than you could moment to moment. No one owns or controls that.

If you can, without expectation and with true love, receive and release dollar bills, or 1's and 0's in your bank account, you are well on your way to mastering some of the secrets of the universe. Money flowing is a model of flowing energy in your life, in this sense, and is easy to see, and so you can begin to see the ebb and flow of Shakti in the universe, even beyond this physical existence. 

I could do the same thing with chickens or bags of rice, but they are more difficult to stick in my pocket.

Love and Gratitude,
