12 Month Tarot Report: Example 1

12 Month Tarot Card Reading with Summary for Jane Doe

      Completed on April 21, 2015 by Vicky Lupperger


Queen of Pentacles Reversed

You haven’t yet accepted your power and this may be influencing your relationships with other people.  Perhaps you’ve been feeling repressed, dissatisfied or overemotional.  Now would be a very good time to journal, letting whatever comes up and out to flow onto the safety of the paper.  With some introspection, you could find that you have let your imagination run away with you or that you are projecting your feelings onto others.  Watch yourself for clues that you are falling into co-dependent behavior or manipulating others with emotion. Take care of your physical health – eating right, exercise, getting plenty of sleep.  Remember to breathe! Next month will not feel so dense.



3 of Cups

This is a month full of opportunities to enjoy life.  Find ways to help others and excuses to spend time with loved ones.  It will be relatively easy to balance commitments and celebrations.  Picnics, reunions, birthdays and even weddings are possible now.  You may even have reason to celebrate yourself, as some issues may recently have been resolved or you have made a shift in your attitude. 



6 of Swords Reversed

You are moving on.  You may not feel quite ready yet to let go of aspects of your past and look ahead.  Perhaps there are unresolved issues that you were hoping to get closure on.  Maybe you are doubting your decisions.  For now, it is important to look toward the future and focus on better times ahead.  Later in the month look for an opportunity to release the past in some way.



      King of Wands

There is a visionary, goal-oriented man who may want to help you when you are ready and able to see the potential he sees in you.  This opportunity may not show up in the way you expect or how you think the assistance would present itself.  Although you may at times see him as arrogant; not agree on everything he does or says; and have to take some things with a grain of salt – in the end, if you can get past the things that are forgivable, there is much to gain and lessons to learn about how you move through life and present yourself.



Be patient with yourself and others and accept that you have already been doing a good job of this. Continue to listen to your inner voice that has guided you this far.  You probably want to forge ahead at times and may get frustrated because things aren’t as you think they should be.  You might feel like you need to be something other than tranquil or peaceful in the midst of any chaos or upsets because if you don’t appear a certain way people might think you don’t care.  This is a chance to witness your past programming and have the bravery to not react in a way you think others may be expecting.
Be prudent.  Take time out to review facts and see situations as they really are.  It’s good to keep up a positive attitude and be determined to forge ahead despite factors you might see as obstacles on the horizon.  Also realize that just because you have worked toward your goals, doesn’t mean that those obstacles have been destroyed and you don’t have to accept their existence.  There can be both and if you can integrate the polarity of reality, by the time October rolls around, you will be more likely to continue to work through challenges that you have accepted, rather than tripping on them because you thought they were a onetime deal to be conquered.




      King of Pentacles Reversed

Now is the time to be cautious with money and resources.  You do not have to be the bad guy just because you want to lean back and take a more conservative approach this month.  Others may consider you a stick in the mud, a party pooper or urge you to get out there and “live life” because “nothing ventured, nothing gained,” but they might be speaking from a more general viewpoint or have selfish motives. They may not see that you are not actually slowing to a crawl out of your own unfounded fears or backtracking into entropy or trying to sabotage yourself, but that you are making decisions for this particular time frame, not choosing how to live your life in general. 
If you are making decisions that affect others, take time to look at the facts rather than going forward on simple intuition.  It may be that there are minor adjustments to be made.  It will then also be easier to “show your work” and communicate the reasons behind your actions or temporary inaction, alleviating some frustration in relationships.  This will also allow you to not come off as arrogant and to carry yourself with a sense of grace and honest confidence.


      Knight of Cups Reversed

Imprudent decisions can upset the apple cart.  Remember you have to face yourself each morning.  Don’t give your power over to the pull of someone’s emotional sales pitch.  Avoid co-dependent behavior and if you catch yourself falling into old patterns - ask yourself about your motivations.  It wouldn’t hurt to take a look at the company you have been keeping as well.  Maybe their behavior is in some way a reflection of how you have been feeling or operating.  If you haven’t been enjoying the way you’ve been treated lately, you can take that opportunity to develop virtues within yourself so that you can attract more desirable associates.  Perhaps you are tired of having to work out so many decisions in your life lately and want to hand over the responsibilities of your actions so that you don’t have to blame yourself if a risk doesn’t pan out. 


      7 of Cups Reversed

You feel as if there are so many possibilities in life, that you don’t know where to focus your attention or what is real and what is just a pipe dream.  It might help to focus on one at a time and see where you were in your life when you became aware of that option as a possibility particular to you; when it came into focus over your horizon; and what surrounded you at that point in time.  Some options could quickly dissolve off your wish list if you see that the source of your desire no longer exists in the reality that is you at this moment.  If you have started to set intentions that have to do with finding focus and purpose in your life, this month will provide you with outward signs showing where you are headed in the right direction. Make lists. Brainstorm. Play in the sandbox of your mind knowing you are free of consequences – and then carry out only that which feels right to you.
If you find yourself escaping into a fantasy world, dreaming of what could be – just be sure to find a healthy outlet for this.  Perhaps volunteering at a local theatre company or library to read to children could give you both a supportive structure and a healthy distraction that allows you to balance responsibilities with fun.


      10 of Swords Reversed

There are parts of your life that are said and done, that you no longer have to work out and think over.  If you catch your mind exhausting itself over issues – work them through one last time, accept your decisions; accept the results; accept others reactions and opinions as their own and their own business, not yours; give your ego the opportunity to bring up any issues that really are loose strings to tie up. Allow yourself to move on with your life.  Use whatever healthy tools you have in your box to keep fears and anxiety in check.
Your mind is due for at least a brief period of rest so you can get back your vitality.  Your mind is a tool for you to use, do not let it run rampant and rule your life based on the past.  Honor that Goddess energy in you and allow it to do its job of maintaining your health and giving you what you need for your spiritual growth.
Perhaps there are past hurts or painful memories that recent situations have, for whatever reason, brought up and you are having difficulties letting go of them. Remember that they are coming up to be released and you don’t always have to try to resolve or make sense of them.  Perhaps some kind of body work, art therapy, yoga therapy or yoga nidra intention can help to get to the root of the problem and release samskaras without involving exhausting reason or logic.


      5 of Swords

You are questioning whether you actually won a battle or if others simply walked away because it was not worth it.  This is a time to question your motives and weigh your options on a day to day basis.  Ask what you have actually gained or what stands to be gained that was or is of value to you.  Ask yourself what is truly important to you. Ask yourself if you are just being stubborn or if there is a better way to present your case without alienating others.  Not all battles are worth the energy, though you may very well have an honest case that you feel needs to be fought for.  Stay in your integrity.  Do not lower yourself to deception of any kind. Focus on your strengths rather than another person's weakness.   If at some point you have made a decision that it is not worth your time or you don’t have a fight left in you – know that there is nothing wrong with stopping while you are ahead.  You don’t have to keep going just because you think that otherwise all that you have done would be wasted.   There are plenty of lessons to be learned and facts to be revealed.
Not all is lost and not all that appears to be acquired is actually as it seems.


2 of Wands Reversed

There is something blocking your initial progress on a new venture or project.  Ask yourself what it is that you can do to work around and through - to adjust and adapt.  Perhaps you are trying to get your way; even though situations have shifted and what you think you want or need to do is not the best move presently.  You or others may also be stalling, having false starts or in a cycle of rushing forward followed by stagnation.  Reevaluate.  Get a second opinion.  Alter your course as needed and move forward.


      2 of Swords Reversed

In the recent past, you’ve put on the breaks and allowed things to be as they are, hoping a situation or decision figures itself out with time.  Although there is a time and place to allow the facts to develop before declaring a decision, this month you need to face the music and honor yourself with a conscious decision.  
You cannot always be the peacemaker or come out looking like the saint.  Once you accept that, making a decision might be just a little bit easier.
Not choosing is also a choice.  Perhaps a trusted friend or professional can offer some guidance, but in the end, it is your responsibility.




       4 of Cups

You have much to be thankful for this year.  So many emotionally satisfying and joyous situations and opportunities are presented to you.  You might feel as if you are not grateful enough, and perhaps you can take more time to count your blessings.  However, do not confuse your contemplation and hope for something bigger and brighter as a lack of respect, satisfaction or gratitude.  You can accept what is as is but also dream big and work to improve your situation. 
As the year goes on, check-in with yourself.  Have you become self-absorbed? Giving to others too much to avoid facing your own issues?  Nursing old wounds? Avoiding conflict?
Work to find a balance as you operate in this world so that you can maintain the flow of prana within.  The mind is needed to solve problems, just don’t let it eat up more than its fair share of your spiritual energy.
Although periods of time in quiet contemplation, or just “getting away from it all” are healthy, make an effort to jump in and be present, allowing yourself to fully feel all the sensations that life has to offer, making it your practice to appreciate each moment as an unfolding gift.


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